Welcome to the Laboratory for Data Science and Analytics !

The LDSA, founded by Prof. Muhammad Abulaish, is a hub of applied data-intensive inter-disciplinary research at South Asian University in New Delhi, India. LDSA, housed within the Department of Computer Science, engages affiliated faculty from both Indian and international universities to conduct cutting-edge research addressing current challenges and opportunities pertaining to data science and analytics. To advance research, LDSA employs postdoctoral fellows, PhD students in data science and analytics, and masters students from relevant affiliated programmes. The LDSA provides a variety of opportunities for both organizations and individuals to get involved, including student mentoring and faculty development programs, summer trainings/workshops, and more.

The LDSA research team focuses on applying data mining, machine learning, and network analysis techniques to address real-world societal and industrial problems. We develop novel data analytics and machine learning techniques, particularly for text mining, social network analysis, figurative language detection, rumor detection, sentiment and emotion analysis, health informatics, and data-driven cybersecurity. Curating and analyzing large-scale data using data mining and machine learning techniques to extract actionable patterns for enabling business intelligence, data-driven economy, and open-source intelligence is a common theme in our research.

In support of academic research, LDSA intends to contribute to a number of open-source, open-science, and open-data-resource communities. Consider joining our group if you are interested in studying and working on applied machine learning and complex networks analysis. Industry, government, and organizations can collaborate with us to find data-centric solutions to their problems.

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  • conteNXt: A Graph-Based Approach to Assimilate Content and Context for Event Detection in OSN

    Sielvie Sharma, Muhammad Abulaish, and Tanvir Ahmad, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Volume 11, Issue 4, pp. 5483-5495, 2024.

  • A Multi-Task Learning Framework using Graph Attention Network for User Stance and Rumor Veracity Prediction

    Muhammad Abulaish, Anuj Saraswat, and Mohd Fazil, In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Kusadasi, Turkey, 6-9 November 2023, pp. 1-5.

  • Domain-Specific Keyword Extraction Using Joint Modeling of Local and Global Contextual Semantics

    Muhammad Abulaish, Mohd Fazil, and Muhammed J. Zaki, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, Article No.: 70, 2022, pp, 1-30.

  • DeepSBD: A Deep Neural Network Model With Attention Mechanism for SocialBot Detection

    Mohd Fazil, Amit Kumar Sah, and Muhammad Abulaish, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 16, 2021, pp. 4211-4223.

  • CAT-BiGRU: Convolution and Attention with Bi-directional Gated Recurrent Unit for Self-Deprecating Sarcasm Detection

    Ashraf Kamal and Muhammad Abulaish, Cognitive Computation, Topical Collection: A Decade on Sentic Computing, Vol. 14, Springer, 2021, pp. 91-109.

  • NEWS


    Jayati Gulati successfully defended her PhD Thesis. Congratulations!

    Jayati Gulati successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis on "Snowball Sampling-Inspired Techniques for Community Detection in Social Gra...

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    M. Abulaish Joined the Senior PC for CIKM-2023, Birmingham, UK

    Muhammad Abulaish joined the Senior Program Committee (SPC) for 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Manag...

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    M. Abulaish delivered a keynote speech at ICECI-2023

    Muhammad Abulaish delivered a keynote speech at the plenary session of the International Conference on Emerging Computational Intell...

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    International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Deep Learning and Data Analytics


    Laboratory for Data Science and Analytics, Department of Computer Science, South Asian University organized an International Symposi...

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    Tutorial on Legal Text Analytics at ICON, IIIT Delhi


    In collaborations with researchers from IBM and University of Delhi, LDSA organized a tutorial on Legal Text Analytics at the 19th I...

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    International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Deep Learning and Data Analytics


    Laboratory for Data Science and Analytics, Department of Computer Science, South Asian University organized an International Symposi...

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    Graph Mining and Analysis

    Graph Mining and Analysis

    Graph Mining and Analysis